



Weekly Homework

Please keep this and put it on your Refrigerator


Monday: Return Friday Folders

Write your spelling words two times each and Math worksheet.  Due on Tuesday.

Tuesday: Write 2 sentences using a spelling word in each sentence. Please underline the spelling word. The sentences must be at least 6 words and should start with a capital letter and end with a period. All spelling words and sight words (sight words that they have already learned) must be spelled correctly. Please check your child’s sentences for capitalization and punctuation at the end of the sentence. Please DO NOT write the sentence for them.

Read zippy and sign reading log (I will explain this at back to school night and it won’t start until after back to school night)

Math worksheet

Both due Wednesday

Wednesday: Math worksheet due Thursday.

Students will bring home Religion Book and packet.  Please read them the chapter.  We will go in order, but the chapter we are on is on the bottom of the packet.  It will also be posted on the website. Religion Test on Thursday.

Read zippy and sign reading log

Thursday: Have an adult give a practice spelling test to the first grader. Please sign the test so I know it was an adult that gave the test. Spelling Test Friday

Math worksheet due Friday

Friday: NO HOMEWORK! Friday Folders sent home

Note: Homework is due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise noted.  Please make sure homework folder is returned every day.

The spelling words will be posted on my website each week.


Lindsey Hahn
